Datenblatt Edelstahl 1. 4305 Bezeichnung Werkstoffnummer 1. 4305 Kurzname X8CrNi189 AISI 303 chemische Zusammensetzung C. Bhler Thyssen Schweisstechnik Deutschland GmbH 87 Packaging, weights and amperages Approvals Controlas Thermanit CW Rutile covered electrode 1. 4310 DEUTSCHE EDELSTAHLWERKE GMBH Auestrae 4 Witten X10CrNi188 Heat treatment and mechanical properties Elevated temperature Thyssen Datenblatt 1. Werkstoffdatenblatt Valbruna AIS 1. 4307 mechanische Eigenschaften bei Raumtemperatur (gem. EN im lsungsgeglhtem Zustand) Description. The austenitic stainless steel 1. 4404 (316L) shows good acid resistance. 4404 (316L) is used in the chemical industry, apparatus engineering. Base de donnes de mtaux comparant dsignations internationales normalises et commerciales, pour 7800 alliages de mtaux. 4310 Seite 2 von 3 Zugfestigkeit nach EN, Tabelle 2 Zugfestigkeit in Nmm Durchmesser in mm NS (normale Zugfestigkeit) HS acidur 4310 werkstoffdatenblatt 10cn188 seite 03 mechanische eigenschaften bei raumtemperatur im lsungsgeglhten zustand (at) nach. Wearresistant special structural steel Heavyplate Steelgrade MaterialNo. 710 September2017 TKSEShortname ENShortname thyssenkrupp is a diversified industrial group with traditional strengths in materials and a growing share of capital goods and services businesses. 4310 Austenitic stainless steel equivalent, chemical composition, properties Stahl Becker bietet hochwertigen, nicht rostenden Federbandstahl in Werkstoff 1. 4310 ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe Material Specifications Material Specification 1943, January 2016, Page 3 of 4 Welding If due consideration is given to the general rules. ThyssenKrupp Materials International Page 1 Material Data Sheet 1. 4301 Austenitic Corrosion Resisting Steel Material Data Sheet Product in sheet form, cold rolled, annealed and pickled, bright annealed. ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe Material Specifications Material Specification 704, October 2012, Page 2 of 3 General processing information Prior to any processing, it is. 4016 datenblatt thyssen Insulated wire Round wire Flat wire Copper flat wire Square wire Electronic wires Shaped wire Shaped wire Closest tolerances accor 1. 4305 datenblatt thyssen Insulated wire Round wire Flat wire Copper flat wire Square wire Electronic wires Shaped wire Shaped wire Closest tolerances accor Product in sheet form, cold rolled, annealed and pickled, bright annealed.