Looking for online definition of cuneiform in the Medical Dictionary? Meaning of cuneiform medical term. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains. cuneiform: System of writing used in the ancient Middle East. The name, a coinage from Latin and Middle French roots meaning wedgeshaped, has been the modern. cuneiform synonyms, cuneiform pronunciation, cuneiform translation, English dictionary definition of cuneiform. The cuneiform writing system was in use for more than three millennia, through several stages of development, from the 34th century BC down to the second. Cuneiform definition, having the form of a wedge; wedgeshaped. Experimental, ambient, unusual and avantgarde label featuring artists such as Birdsongs of the Mesozoic, The Danubians, and Soft Machine. The History of Ancient Sumeria (Sumer) including its cities, kings, religions culture and contributions or civilization. Abraham and Shinar Details about the origins and development of the Cuneiform script, which was used to write Sumerian, Akkadian and a number of other languages. Cuneiform is a system of writing first developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia c. It is considered the most significant Read and learn for free about the following article: Cuneiform The term cuneiform is very deceptive, in that it tricks people into thinking that it's some type of writing system. The truth is that cuneiform denotes not one but. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z# A. Rez Abbasi Junction Jason Adasiewicz's Rolldown Blixt Subscribe. Now, the curators of the worlds largest collection of cuneiform tablets housed at the British Museum have written a book exploring the history of cuneiform. This how how ancient Iranians wrote different cuneiform scripts i. Old Persian, Achaemenid Elamite and Late Babylonian at the. The ancient Sumerians were the first people to develop an actual written language. We call that writing cuneiform. The ancient Sumerians kept records of everything. Inscribe your Monogram in Cuneiform script. The world's first written language and over 5, 000 years old. Cuneiform is a type of writing that was used in ancient Mesopotamia and Persia. In a museum, you might see artifacts such as stone tablets with cuneiform carved into. Details of the Sumerian cuneiform script, the world's oldest writing system, which was used to write Sumerian, a semitic language spoken in Mesopotamia (modern day. Cuneiform Tablets What is it about ancient writings that keep archaeologists returning to them? Theres much discovered, yet perhaps even more to come.