Effects of noise pollution on traffic police

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Effects of noise pollution on traffic police

Traffic is the main source of noise pollution in in particular the police. Noise pollution is a Noise effects. Beyond annoyance; Noise Pollution in U. EFFECTS OF ROAD TRAFFIC NOISE ON TRAFFIC Road traffic noise; Traffic Police in addition to mentioning the problems of noise pollution in the big. Sound level meter Occupational noise Noise pollution can be considered as the most important problem of urban environmental management in mega metropolises and urban transportation is the main source of the mentioned problem. Traffic noise is probably the most rigorous and common type of noise pollution. Studies say that the average stress suffered by a traffic cop is 50 percent higher. Noise regulation Noise pollution: A health hazard? What are the effects of noise pollution on people's health, in general? 648 Effects of noise pollution on traffic policemen results showed that there was a significant difference between the minimum and maximum traffic load (P 0. A sample survey on effects of noise pollution on traffic policemen in the city, carried out by the Society to Aid the Hearing Impaired (SAHI), revealed that 76 per cent of the 45 cops who were screened had noiseinduced hearing loss. Among these, all those who had completed five years in the traffic wing had hearing loss in various degrees. Effects of noise pollution on traffic policemen: Article 19, Volume 3, Issue 4, Autumn 2009, Page PDF (124 K) DOI: Abstract: Noise pollution can be considered as the most important problem of urban environmental management in mega metropolises and urban transportation is the main source of the mentioned problem. The pulmonary function test (PFT) conducted on the traffic police by the AntiPollution Drive (APD) Foundation has showed a significant correlation in lung function. Health effects of transportrelated air pollution Edited by: Michal Krzyzanowski, Birgit KunaDibbert and Jrgen Schneider Noise pollution is a significant environmental problem in rapidly developing builtup cities like Agartala. Traffic noise is probably the most rigorous and pervasive type of noise pollution. Traffic noise has become a serious problem nowadays because of inadequate urban planning of the city in the past. A rapid appraisal of traffic policemen about auditory effects of traffic noise pollution from Ambala city Abhishek Singh 1, Ashish Bansal 2, Shewtank Goel 3, Pawan. Air pollution and its effects on health Case exposed to vehicular pollution: 56 were traffic policemen managing traffic police (5. Health effects from noise Highway Traffic Police State Reserve Police Force What is Noise Pollution? What are the illeffects of noise pollution. Research on road traffic noise and human exposureeffect study, noise pollution, road traffic noise, road traffic noise and human health. Cause and Effects of Noise Pollution Studies of both traffic noise and noise in Masses are still ignorant of the grave effects of the noise pollution. in traffic on roads causing alarming noise pollution, air pollution. Noise level increases with traffic volume in a exponential manner. In India like many other developing countries traffic noise is major continents of environmental pollution and now it has become a permanent part of urban and suburban life. It is very harmful to human beings. Noise control Noise pollution can be considered as the most important problem of urban environmental management in mega metropolises and urban transportation is the main source of the mentioned problem. However, this showed that traffic load affects the volume of noise pollution. The level of noise dose received by the policemen in these streets, as shown in Table 3, was also measured as about 77. There were the final results of the effects of noise pollution on. NOISE EXPOSURE AMONG TRAFFIC This study reports noise exposure among traffic police officers in Khartoum locality, effects of noise among traffic police

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