Oct 05, 2011The test is not compulsory but all children are encouraged to go for it. The test comprises of English and a Mathematics paper, about 1. Out of the cohort of approximately 50, 000 kids, some 4, 000 pupils (about 8) are shortlisted for the GEP selection test. Every once in a while, I would read in the newspapers about calls to do away with the Gifted Education Programme (GEP). GEP Test Question Sample 5 Responses to GEP Sample Question: The Worker Question. medasane says: March 23, Singapore Maths Tuition. Looking for general ability test or to be desired and scoring well on the GEP tests allow a bright child Since the childs already in P3. Sams P3 exams will only start end of the month. He has passed the 1st stage of GEP test and will be taking the 2nd selection test on 21 Oct. Gifted Education Programme (GEP) Test Dates in 2016 GEP Screening Exercise through your child's P3 class Form Teacher. Admissions into the GEP is obviously not easy, given that places are only given to each cohorts top one percent of students. Back by popular demand For students who missed out on our June P3 GEP Excellence program and want that added boost before the GEP Screening Test, we have opened an additional oneday, threesession program. Jan 07, 2017GIFTEDNESS ENHANCEMENT PROJECT for p3 students aspiring to enter the GEP Edison failed thousands of time before perfecting his light bulb. Einstein spent ye The Gifted Education Programme (GEP) At Primary Three (P3), Based on Selection Test results. Sep 23, 2008The test comprises an English and a Maths paper, about 1 hours each. Out of the cohort of approximately 50, 000 kids, some 3, 000 pupils (about 6) are shortlisted for the GEP selection test. The selection test takes place over two days in October, the first comprises an English paper and a General Ability paper, about 2 hours in total. P3 GEP Selection Test Intensive Preparatory Workshop Date: 15 18 Oct (ThuSun) Time: 2. 30pm Venue: MS Seminar Room Dont let exam jitters or a. The Gifted Education Programme (GEP) When I was a P3 kid going through the screening test, people would enrol their kids in GEP preparation courses and test. Eventbrite Joyous Learning presents Brain Workout 2017 GEP Selection Test Prep for P3 Students Thursday, October 12, 2017 Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at Joyous. Home EFPS Calendar P3 GEP Selection Exercise P3 GEP Selection Exercise. 20 Oct 2017 P1: P5 Common Test MAFMA (P1 P2) P3 GEP Screening Ex. El Math Registrations for October 2016 are now closed. The GEP identification exercise aims Parents should not enrol their children in testpreparation Parents who agree to their child joining the GEP must submit. Jun 15, 2015Date: 23 25 June 2015 (Tue Thu) Time: 2. Choose from: MS East Campus @ Tampines Junction MS West Campus. GEP Screening Test Question Sample: The GEP Screening Math questions can be viewed as the epitome of the Singapore Math Singapore Maths Tuition. them to prepare your P3 kid for the GEP screening and depth of students in the GEP Screening test and GEP Selection. If you have passed the second round of the GEP Selection Test, congratulations! You can now choose to change schools or remain in your current school.